He invented a hundred years before engine by Rudolf Diesel in 1890, the soot of oil was already known to be a danger in the workplace. Carbon black is always the first chemical substance as an occupational disease, health hazard, that in order to identify diseases associated with chimney sweeps in London in 1775.
In America, two centuries later, the time has come not with responsibility for fire fighters, the heroic actions to protect the health of employees in the face.
Exhaust System
Diesel smokeis a chemical carcinogen that is listed by the State of California since 1990. It is a combination of chemicals that vary slightly depending on engine characteristics and fuel quality. All diesel engines contains a number of substances, each scientifically linked to cancer - arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The toxic ingredients bind to the surface of microscopic particles of soot.
Several human studies show dieselExhaust exposure increases cancer risk. In fact, long-term exposure to diesel exhaust is the highest cancer risk from toxic air pollutants by the Office of Environmental Assessment of California hazardous to health evaluated.
Fire engine diesel engines first appeared in the mid-1950. Today, diesel is almost all fire and rescue vehicles. Since its inception, the smoke, diesel emitting device is considered unhealthy. Many firefighters someType of exhaust pipe of the jury was rigged to vent the exhaust to the outside through a window or under the door.
Today - in addition to using the best possible quality of fuel, minimizing cycle times, the ventilation of the building, the exchange of fresh air and keep close doors between garage and living area - there are limited ways of addressing the risk to health from diesel fumes from construction changes in combination with non-original equipment for the fire.
Fans and filters Cabinetsremove impurities and provide clean surfaces for buildings, but since they do not prevent the release of airborne particles in the workplace, are custodians of devices without preventive health benefits.
Drop tubes garages and on-board diesel particulate filters are the two most common methods used to reduce the risk of diesel exhaust in fire stations. Tubes of fall are traditional and have their advantages, but you need to rethink whether to remove the pipes to be even remotelysufficient in light of the environmental fervor today.
Tubes require a manual connection. Even short-term gains are offset by the quality of the air hose connected to a truck parked at a hanging.
Tubes are sometimes called capture systems, which is a misnomer. Tubes not included impurities, raw exhaust pipes blown out in the open air. Diesel soot is microscopically with a long air-residence. Particles to the outside through a channel tube back into the building through the doors that have blown open, allowing the truckinside and out. This is called the canyon effect.
You'll never see the day when a firefighter goes behind the wheels to try to connect a drain hose wagons. The tubes are not appropriate when a truck in the bay, they still have applied if the vehicle is going to stay out of the door. Therefore, a system of pipes is not very effective all.So then drop tube, which can lead to a fire service do to ensure that its employees are provided with the best possible protection of health? A study by aprivate interest group, the Foundation Richter, diesel exhaust on security is dedicated summarizes: "The most effective and cheapest way to reduce emissions, diesel particulate filters in all the trucks and equipment used in fire stations install. "
The California Air Resources Board is at the forefront in the fight against pollution in the United States, and establishes the standards by which to measure compliance locally. CARB lists some of the particulate filteracceptable to reduce emissions such as aftermarket parts. No system drop pipes are listed as they are not as pollution control devices.
On board, exhaust filters are not exactly a new idea. The first patent was in 1908 when the truck wheels had wooden spokes. In 1949 the U.S. Army invented the first version of today's diesel exhaust filter.
In 1985, General Motors has developed a monolithic ceramic honeycomb filter. Initial testing of high-end dieselMercedes cars in 1990 found the filter 99 percent of emissions covered. But then, with the provision of high quality diesel fuel, the filter captured so quickly that a lot had to be changed too often. These experiments were abandoned, and the technology was more or less inactive.
With the advent of computer power and low-sulfur fuel, particulate filters are very popular today.
The efficiency of the diesel particulate filter alsois its limit. Clogging of the filter. The speed with which you fill the capacity depends on the fuel quality, age and condition of the engine and driving habits. Accumulation means regular cleaning. Carbon filter in packs of channels, the back pressure is generated, which stalled the engine. A close cousin of diesel filters, in principle, and the effect is the diesel engine brake on many heavy trucks and buses.
A muffler is a muffler and a spark arrester. With a catalystCoating, can be an oxidizing agent. Or used as a prefilter.
Several manufacturers of diesel emissions, diesel particulate filter systems for over-the-road and off-road, including Englehard, Johnson Matthey and Lubrizol. These systems are generally complex and maintenance intensive. Interfere with the PS "jake brake" effect, and all necessarily require burning ultra low sulfur diesel fuels.
Most of our national consciousness of environmental protectionControversy on the West Coast, including trade receivables pollution and use of fuels with low sulfur content. Current litigation involves a movement national brewery can have a paralyzing effect on the fire of small and large.
An open meeting undecided presented in May 2006 was an actor in California Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) against Laidlaw Transit Services. The environmental activist organization calls contain information on all school buses,an extension of the way tobacco companies are required to mark cigarettes.
ELF action sets the stage for a future large tidal dollar claims related to secondhand smoke, commercial diesel fuel. The plaintiffs argue that the need to create the picture of health and safety laws, the people the right to exposure to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm to be informed.
Health risks from diesel fumes are very real. The only sensible way to deal with diesel pollution in the workplaceThis is how proactive the fire department is doing everything to prove it to implement to ensure a safer working environment. Fleets must eventually be converted into new, less environmentally friendly fire extinguishers, how come on the market. In the short term, existing aftermarket equipment fire with pollution control equipment exhibitors listed the best retrofit technology.
Diesel exhaust is the biggest problem in Fire Safety House
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